Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Last of Us Review: Darwinism Gone Viral by Humberto Soto

My neighbor is slamming his torso on the glass door. Blood is pouring from his mouth and covering his shirt. My dad is reaching for his gun and before I know it my neighbor is on the ground, wounded from the gunshot. The city is in shambles, houses are in fire, police cars are at every corner, and patients are tearing apart the people directly in front of you. What do you do? You run and try to survive. Why, because we are the The Last of Us.     
                        The Last of Us, developed by naughty dog and released in 2013, is a chilling visual and interactive representation of Cormac McCarthy's novel The Road (2006). The world of The Last of Us is a post-pandemic world in which the outbreak ,known as the mutated Cordyceps fungus, took place in September 2013. In this artistic video game, the lead protagonist is a man named Joel, a single father voiced by Troy Baker, who lived through the outbreak in his hometown of Austin, Texas. As twenty years have passed since the outbreak, the world has since been turned into ruble and factions spread over the nation with quarantine zones have been put in place within major cities. Joel has become a  ruthless survivor in this world with few moral lines left to cross. His life, which by now has become a never endless grinding cycle, will once again change for better or worse when entrusted by a dying friend to take Ellie, a four-teen year old girl who is thought to be the cure for the infection and humanity’s only chance of resurrection voiced by Ashley Johnson, to a near by quarantine zone but is quickly turned into a profound journey that will forever change Joel and Ellie.
                        The criteria that follows will be used to review The Last of Us overall execution. First off, the main focus will be held in Representation which includes visuals, character dynamics and plot along with much more. Secondly, The Last of Us gameplay will be analyzed by its adaptability and function along with fluidity. In doing so the final verdict will be presented. Let it be known that for this review only the campaign will be taken to account.
                        The Last of Us, the PlayStation exclusive, is a story based game filled with an enticing narrative. The pandemic ridden United States in 2033 that is presented by Naughty Dog provides a suitable backdrop to Joel and Ellie's story while also serves as a juxtaposition in  humanity’s down fall to natures prosperity. Following the same principles as The Road, The Last of Us main importance is held with the characters themselves. The game is centered around the father and daughter like bond between Joel and Ellie that of which starts off a bit diss-functional due to lack of trust and reliability in the earlier section of the game. The game does a great job in immersing the player in the world around the characters. As stated before, Joel is this grizzled character created through tragic events of the outbreak but often tries to retain the little humanity he has left and is ironic that through out all the murder and his wrong doings Joel is easy to root for because he is so relatable. Ellie on the other hand, while not completely being innocent herself, is viewed to be so due to her birth during this dystopian era and her hardened exterior shows her ignorance to the pre-pandemic world which strengthens the players need to protect her. Not only are these characters stories impactful but so are countless others which are found along the journey. The world also seems so real because of little details in rooms visited throughout the story and a variety of collectables found within the game along with dialogue triggered by the environment and actions caused by the player. The voice acting is simply superb giving the game, both literally and figuratively, powerful voice. As IGN's Colin Moriarty states, “The Last of Us overflow with realism”. Thus creating a more poignant game
                        Now onto matters concerning gameplay. Gameplay is very important to a game of this caliber. Throughout your journey, Joel and Ellie will come across numerous amounts of enemies.The outcome of these encounters will depend on the players style and can change with each play through. Joel is equipped with various weapons and firearms that are found or given in the course of the game and can be enhanced at workbenches stationed throughout the campaign with the use of gears that can be collected. The controls are pretty simple and easy to pick up so I wont spend too much time on that. One component to these controls worth noting is the use of the R2 button which prompts Joel's Listening Mode allowing him to look through walls to detect moving enemies creating sound. This is key to stealth gameplay in The Last of Us. Using the stealthier approach allows for conservation of ammo which is very scarce. In combat, one bullet can save Joel and give him one more day of life or give him salvation from their decaying world. In addition, taking out a room full of enemies stealthily feels rewarding as a player. Joel also carries a backpack which holds supplies picked up from fallen enemies or can be found in the environment and can be used to concoct a variety of makeshift weapons or med-kits. All of this is done in real time with no pause. Enemies in this game vary but most are people like Joel with a single purpose is to breath for another day and makes it hard to judge these people. For the most part these people are either hunters or fireflies which are two factions within this world. But the most concerning enemy is the infected themselves. The infected are humans infected by a mutated form of Cordyceps fungus in which the fungus takes host of human bodies and zombifies them. The fungus starts to mutate the body and is shown in stages. The first stage is called a runner and is a beginning change which has little to none cosmetic changes to the body but are a quick and agile. The second stage is called a stalker which seem just like runners but rely on sound and stalk their prey. The third stage is known as a clicker and is where the fungus has caused significant cosmetic change to the body up to where the infected has no eyesight and depends on their echo-locational ability, which is used by making a clicking sound, to detect movement. Now the final one is called a bloater because of its physical appearance of being bloated by the fungus creating armor for the body. These various forms of infected haunt dreams and are best dwelt with silently. The Last of Us does an extremely well job in balancing out its thriller aspect and gameplay with its compelling narrative. Overall the games mobility and combat is astonishing.        
                        Putting the representation and gameplay of The Last of Us into account the final verdict has been decided. The outstanding visuals, compelling story and astonishing gameplay is a formula for a masterpiece of visual and interactive art, all of which can be found in The Last of Us.  This splendid game never disappoints and continues to amaze the player as the story progresses. This game is rated M for mature so of course players with a higher degree of maturity will truly enjoy the game. The game has gained popularity since its release, so much so that a cinematic production is under development at this moment. I give The Last of Us a ten out of ten.


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