Monday, December 8, 2014

Twitter and its Value by Galilea Barraza Nunez

In 2007, a new social media website was created on April 19; was brought about for multiple people worldwide to use. Anyone outside the country is able to access Twitter via the Internet. Although Twitter was created in 2007, it didn’t capture the world’s spotlight at first. From what I have viewed, Twitter began to gain its fame in later years as in 2011 and 2012.
            Twitter is a social website where people can interact with one another with just a single click of a mouse or even button away. Unlike ‘Facebook’, interaction isn’t the main idea of twitter. Various people use it to ‘tweet’ what they are currently doing or even share ideas and information that they’d want people to be aware of.
            Although Twitter is a social website, it is not suitable for children and or kids younger than the age of 13. The age most preferable is someone at least 15 years old and up. Because it’s an open site, there are many uncensored items that children are exposed to. Thus, showing it is not suitable for them. If Twitter had restrictions and a ‘safety mode’ the site would be more considerable for young adults. Moreover, privacy isn’t an issue for users; Twitter has an excellent privacy policy. Blocking and reporting is used throughout most social websites, however, Twitter does confirm that a person cannot view someone’s profile if someone didn’t want them too. Also, if a user would like, they could keep their profile private and have it on lock. Being on private, a user’s tweets are protected and they can verify who can and who can’t see their tweets and photos on their personal profile.  This keeps certain unwanted people away from them. Unlike Facebook, whereas a person can ‘subscribe’ to a user and that user cannot do anything about it. Twitter makes sure to keep their customers happy and satisfied with the service.
            140 characters to type in a tweet is the limit twitter gives their clients to use to express themselves. Having the limit keeps peoples day-to-day thoughts short and right to the point. This avoids long, continuous, scrolling of tweets from occurring on a user’s timeline. Also, there isn’t a limit whereas how many times a day you can tweet. This is fun for users! Being able to express themselves at whatever time they’d want. Rumors used to say people would only use Twitter to express what they are doing and where they are. That rumor is a false, people do not use Twitter for that. Twitter can actually be used as a personal diary and a place to vent, from my experience, I have seen this happen a lot. It is not always just emotion and venting, funny posts are shared with one another. If a person likes a tweet or photo, they can use the ‘favorite’ button, which is displayed as a star. And if a person wants to show they relate or want to share a tweet with their followers they can easily clicked the ‘retweet’ button. The retweet button shares the tweet onto their profile that is shown on their followers’ timeline. Users can interact with their followers by direct messaging them and having private conversations instead of having a conversation out in the open. Recently, Twitter added a new feature that enables people to send pictures via direct message; this has become handy to multiple users.
            Being able to follow anyone is also an advantage, yet the disadvantage is a user is not guaranteed a follow back from the person they followed. Yet this is a decision for someone to make to keep following a user or not. The enlightening idea of Twitter is the number of followers a person has doesn’t define them. Having tons of followers is almost the same as having little followers.
            As well, the Twitter app on mobile devices is free and is an easy download. The app and can be used wherever you go, as long as there’s Internet connection. Being easy to use, it’s very simple to retweet, favorite, or mention by clicking specific symbols. The structure of the app makes it very simple to find the timeline, discover page, profile, and direct messages.

            Overall, Twitter is an easy fun website teens and adults can use to interact, express, or inform others. Being so simple yet an excellent app, I believe this is by far the best social app I have used. 

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