Super Smash Bros is a well-known game, known for its action and
fighting. The game series started in the famous Nintendo 64 in the year 1999(IGN Staff). The
game started off as a little brawl and evolved in our community and all over
the world. Now the fourth generation has been released as of October 3rd
for the 3DS, and on November 21st the Wii U edition of the game came
out. In this review I’m going to talk about the Super Smash Bros franchise from
the 90’s to present time and the characters along with the developers and
The series originally
started with 12 character,s 8 given from the start and 4 hidden characters
consisting from all Nintendo originals. Super Smash Bros (SSMB) in its now
modern era consists of over 50 characters in its newest title for the 3DS and
Wii U. Characters from all over the Nintendo company get together to fight and
brawl. Games that players would have never thought of seeing the light of day with
other of its company’s brethren joined together, like for example Pokémon, The
Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Star Fox, Kirby, Kid Icarus, Earth Bound, Fire Emblem
and many more. It’s a brilliant collaboration that cannot be pulled off by just
any set of characters because there has to be a fair line of characters
therefore some are overpowered and uber and must be specially analyzed and
tested so one cannot be in a whole different league than the others.
for the Wii u and 3DS was worked on with other creators than just the Nintendo
Company. They co-developed the game with Bandai Namco and Sora Ltd (Drake). The
main developer was HAL Laboratory since 1988 when the first prototype of the
game came into existence (Slider). The game was meant to be a Japan-only game
with little advertisement, but the game became a huge, and it was decided to be
brought over to the west and with success. HAL Laboratory has created all of the Smash Bros except for the latest one which was done by two other companies mentioned
Games like these are very competitive and
bring out the fighting monster inside of everyone, including myself. I’ve personally been in a
couple of competitions, and it has been intense so I can personally vouch for
that. Big tournaments have been sponsored in the United States like at E3 in
California within the San Francisco area. People all over the country gather around to
see what all companies have to offer game wise and game console but some just
go for the tournaments and one of the main tournaments was the Smash Bros and
the entries went out in mere minutes. But you don’t need to go out of state to
find a competition there are plenty in the area. You might have to scout, but
nonetheless, the competition is never dull.
As of the year 2014, there has been 4 SSMB games, meaning there are 4 generations. When the 1999 SSMB
came out it was good but was lacking characters and stages (IGN Staff). Then in
the next era of consoles the second Smash Bros was released on the Nintendo GameCube. Some would argue to be the best in the series to date. The 3rd came
out for the Nintendo Wii. People called it child’s play and claimed it was mediocre due
to the unbalanced powers in the characters, but the final smashes made the game
worthwhile to play, and its huge variety of characters. And the latest
one in the series for the Wii U and 3DS blew people’s minds away on how
beautiful the graphics are and the wide variety of characters from Pac-Man to
the F-Zero series.
They also have recently
adapted new figurines called Amiibo that use NFC chips that send and transmit
waves of information the figurine to the Nintendo consoles. At launch, there were 12 Amiibo figurines. These Amiibo figurines are special because you can
customize their stats and their moves to your liking, which is the first time
they tried to innovate and change the way of combat because of the stat changer. This changes the whole game because people won’t have the same repetitive
characters with their default moves. I myself have tried this and I think this
a step in the right direction and according Nintendo they could be used for
future games as well (Schmidt).
To wrap things up, I
feel this game series is like a work of art. It gets a 99/100 in my book. No
other game could be like this one in the slightest of way because this game is
a sheer work of art and there is none like it so its unique to the Nintendo
company that cannot be offered anywhere else.
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